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Surrey Hills Garden - Case Study

In 2019, Taylor Tripp Garden designers presented us with the concept plan and asked if we could build their design. The garden presented several challenges.

Categories: Case study, Gallery, The process, Garden build, Garden maintenance, Hedge & tree planting, Irrigation, Borders & planting, Tree surgery, Soft landscaping, Garden borders, Hard landscaping, Driveways, Patios & terraces, Walls & steps, Gates & fencing
Date: 1st June 2022

Project brief:

In the summer of 2019 Taylor Tripp Landscape Design approached Transform to build a garden for a client in the Surrey Hills. This project was a huge undertaking due to its multiple aspects and skills that needed to be utilised.

The existing space was dated and unappealing. It lacked character and seemed disjointed from the property. It needed to be overhauled and improved- of which with Taylor Tripp’s design, Transform did just that!


Completed works:

After our quotation was accepted, we began work in September 2019.

The first stage of work was tree clearance. Our Tree team worked hard for a week to remove and clear the original trees from the banks, which then allowed our construction teams, the space to begin the site clearance.

Just as the site clearance was in full swing, the country was shut down due to Covid-19. Slowly our teams were able to go back to work, but certain procedures had to be put in place to keep them safe. These included traveling to site separately, being spaced when taking breaks and fewer people on site at a time. This caused the progress to slow down, but none the less our team continued.

Aside from the pandemic, this project was not without its challenges. One of the larger and surprising ones was discovering a full-sized concrete tennis court buried under the main lawn. No wonder the original grass was looking patchy!


The results:

As our teams continued, through the fog, the new garden began to take shape. The York stone terrace with reclaimed sandstone cobble inserts, made a fantastic view across the rear of the property. York stone steps then lead from the terrace, heading up the banks, to the upper sections of the garden. The planting began, and suddenly the beds were full of colour and interest. The garden went from boring and grey to interesting, traditional, and usable.

Some notable areas include the Champaign Garden that looks over the Surrey Hills, The rear entertaining terrace, and the grand rear lawn.

We continue to maintain this garden and have the privilege of seeing it mature through the seasons.

During the 2022 APL Awards our Surrey Hills Garden won Best in category for the £500k+ category. This award is a testament to the hard work our team put into this project.

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